Month: April 2014 // Top 3 Telltale Signs of Aging

As some Asian cultures have it, it’s rude to ask a woman for her age directly. Some of my guy friends have shared that they sometimes guessed the age of women – not from their faces with all that makeup on and tons of SK-II – but from other parts of our body that women simply can’t hide. A quick survey revealed the top 3 telltale signs of aging. We are not talking about our faces and eyes, but other parts of our body that actually divulge our age. Some try desperately to hide aging signs of our faces with makeup and anti-aging skincare. Most forget to take care of the other parts of our body. Though we are unable to control the natural process of aging, we should not neglect to take care of our body. Aging gracefully – both body and soul, is an art, and one that we women should care about. // Review of Lunamer and Giveaway

As a woman juggling commitments at work, family, social life and new adventures, I’m sure that I speak for many when we say that our “clock” just go haywire. Late nights, erratic meal times and lack of sleep make us look dull like old silver. Worse, our skin starts to exhibit this tired, yellow tinge, instead of bright, rosy undertones. I was given a Lunamer Trial Kit to address some of the signs my tired skin is starting to show. What with late-night crafting and writing, I need a quick fix before I head out to meet some people. And one star product worked wonders for me! Friends complimented that I looked more radiant. They thought that I have had more sleep. But how wrong they were! I was actually handcrafting products till wee hours in the morning. Curious what that star product is? Hop over to for the review. There’s also a giveaway happening now till April 13, 2014, where 3 lucky winners can get to try the products for themselves.