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People who inspire me

Bag Magic Workers // Mirrco Shoe and Handbag Repair Service

{ UPDATE } I’ve gotten news from our blog readers and friends that they no longer do bags or zippers, and only service luggage and suitcases. A pity, really! My Head Porter bag is still working 3 years after they repaired it. Do you have one bag that you absolutely love, and feel disheartened when the zipper spoils or the lining becomes tattered and torn? My favorite Head Porter bag has been lying in a corner of my closet for the longest time. It’s a bag that I would love to bring on trips because it’s light, has many compartments and roomy enough for essentials while on the road. One fine day, the zipper no longer worked. I had no choice but to relegate it to oblivion. I’m going on a trip soon and I thought about this bag again. In a desperate attempt to have the zipper replaced or repaired, I visited 6 shops – a variety of shoe repairs, seamstress, and alteration shops. They all said they can’t repair this, or the zipper …